St Robert Bellarmine Church

St Robert Bellarmine Church
Latest news


As the summer recedes, we hope that you have seen some sunshine and enjoyed some rest. In the parishes in the South of Glasgow there have been some changes and developments.

At a recent meeting of the Deanery Council a range of changes that had taken place over the summer in personnel and in parish developments were announced. These included the acceptance of the document on the categorisation of parishes as requested by the Archbishop. The recommendations made have arose from widespread consultation and discussion, and the results can be found in the most recent (September) edition of Flourish.

The Deanery believes this distribution of parishes offers the optimum use of the resources available and will provide the most satisfactory base for evangelisation and service to the Catholic communities.

The recommendations made take account of the declining predicted number of active priests in the Deanery, currently 19, and likely to be 12 in 5 years’ time, and 9 priests in 10 years’ time. 

The parishes have been categorised in 3 groups, namely

  • Category A which are parishes likely to be supported by the Archdiocese for over 10 years;
  • Category B which are parishes to be supported for at least the next 5 years and kept under review thereafter.
  • Category C which are parishes likely to merge, close or change within the next 5 years.

It is not a preferred list of closures but an advisory list which may be used by the Archbishop in taking decisions about the future of parishes and the allocation of priests. In each case of change in the parishes the boundaries of the parishes will require to be redrawn.  As a consequence of such changes the current Pastoral Areas may be realigned.

This phase of the work of the Deanery Council is now completed and attention would now turn to the process of evangelisation.


St Albert’s: From Sunday 22nd September Mass at St Alberts will change from 11am to 10am. There will be no Saturday Vigil Mass and no weekday Masses except for Holydays and funerals which will be arranged by Fr. Benneth.

St Margaret Mary’s and St Bartholomew’s: From Sunday 8th September Sunday Mass will be 9:30am in St Margaret Mary’s and 11:30am in St Bartholomew’s.

Blessed John Duns Scotus: 6pm Sunday evening Mass cancelled. All other Mass times for this and the above remain unchanged.


The essential work of the Church is focused on evangelisation.  The reason for having strong parishes is that they will be able to be the dynamos for evangelisation.

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus instructs His disciples: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations” (Matt. 28:19). This is not just a task for a select few; it’s a call to every Christian. Evangelisation is the heart of our mission as followers of Christ.

As we embark on this journey of faith together in the parishes of the South of Glasgow, you are invited to reflect on how we can share the Good News with those around you. Whether it is through simple acts of kindness, a listening ear, or inviting someone to Mass, we can all take part in this mission of love and faith.

Evangelisation: What Does It Mean? Evangelisation is more than just preaching—it’s living out our faith in a way that draws others to Christ. It should not be thought of as a complex set of activities. Indeed, it is simply how Christ meant us to live our lives and to share that Good News with others.  

It involves:

  1. Personal Witness: Sharing your story of faith with others.
  2. Service: Acting with love and charity in everyday life.
  3. Invitation: Inviting others to share in the Church’s life, whether through Mass, events, or prayer groups.

Our parishes are committed to fostering a spirit of welcome and outreach, helping people of all walks of life encounter the love of Christ.

Examples of Events for Evangelisation in the Deanery

Within the Deanery there are events which take place which might be of wider interests. We hope that providing this information will encourage each person to feel that is a huge amount of good going on through the Deanery.  From time to time, we shall offer examples and hope this encourages the wider participation for all people in the Southern Deanery.

Some events that offer opportunities to share faith and invite others:

  1. Food Banks
  2. Prayer Groups
  3. Community Outreach Day

Evangelisation Resources

For those looking to deepen their understanding of evangelisation, here are some recommended resources:

Ways to Get Involved: Fr John Carroll will chair a Deanery Committee on Evangelisation and welcomes any contribution.



Deanery Newsletter Lent 2024 - 20/02/2024 21:04:02
Archdiocese of Glasgow –Newsletter from The South Deanery – Issue No. 2 Lent 2024 The South Deanery wishes to continue to communicate its activities to all parishes and ... (Read more)
Deanery Newsletter 2023 - 08/12/2023 12:12:26
Archdiocese of Glasgow – South Deanery “Pathway for Change” - Newsletter from The South Deanery As you may know the Archbishop of Glasgow has invited the Catholic communities ... (Read more)
Evangelisation in hospitals 2023 - 10/06/2023 12:05:31
HOSPITAL MINISTRY AS EVANGELISATION ‘ Illness is part of our human condition. Yet, if illness is experienced in isolation and abandonment, unaccompanied by care and compassion, it ... (Read more)
Pastoral Christmas Message - 12/12/2022 11:34:13
Father Joseph has left a message detailing all of the services over the Christmas and New Year Period.'sChristmasMessage.pdf ... (Read more)
Statue Of St Michael The Archangel - 08/07/2022 18:43:10
STATUE OF ST MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL The Statue Will arrive at St Robert’s on Wednesday 13th July until Wednesday 20th July. Everyone is most welcome to attend any of the following ... (Read more)
Pastoral Letter From The Bishops Of Scotland - 17/06/2022 15:58:43
PASTORAL LETTER OF THE BISHOPS OF SCOTLAND (condensed) On the Holy Eucharist Dear Brothers and Sisters, “The cup of blessing ... (Read more)
Michael Monaghan - 01/04/2022 15:31:45
Michael Monaghan's funeral is on Wednesday 6th April at 10am and thereafter to St Conval’s Cemetery. ... (Read more)
Mgr Desmond Maguire - 01/04/2022 15:26:27
Please find attached datails giving information about the arrangements for the funeral of Mgr Desmond Maguire, RIP. Maguire.pdf ... (Read more)
Beatification of the Venerable Margaret Sinclair - 27/03/2022 08:28:52
Beatification of Venerable Margaret Sinclair The custom, prior to Covid, of a Mass every month in St. Patrick's, Edinburgh to pray for the Beatification/Canonisation of Ven Margaret ... (Read more)
Safeguarding Matters March Newsletter - 27/03/2022 08:27:14
The March Edition of the Safeguarding Matters Newsletter is now available and can be accessed by clicking on the link. ... (Read more)
Easter Vigil - 24/03/2022 17:39:30
A number of people have asked about the timing for the Easter Vigil. On Saturday 16 th April, sunset for the territory covered by the Archdiocese is around 20.35, suggesting that the Vigil should not ... (Read more)
Kissing of the Cross - 24/03/2022 17:36:21
The Bishops Conference have said that, as last year, people should not kiss, or otherwise touch, the Cross on Good Friday. The Cross may be venerated communally, or people may come forwards individually ... (Read more)
News from the Catholic Church - 24/03/2022 17:27:09
Scotland’s Church leaders call on Scottish and UK Governments to tackle cost of living crisis. Tuesday 22 March 2022 The leaders of Scotland’s three largest Christian churches ... (Read more)
Concecration of Ukraine and Russia - 18/03/2022 21:58:51
The Nunciature has advised that all bishops and priests throughout the world are being requested, if possible, to recite the prayer of consecration, with their faithful, simultaneously with the Holy ... (Read more)
Covid update 18.03.22 - 18/03/2022 21:53:54
Dear All, Face Coverings As you know the Government has extended the requirement to wear face coverings in church for at least another couple of weeks. They still expect that ... (Read more)
Ukraine - 18/03/2022 08:52:21
BCOS Statement on Ukraine 15 March 2022 At their meeting today, Scotland’s Catholic bishops welcomed Right Rev Kenneth Nowakowski Bishop for Ukrainian, Belarusian and Slovak Eastern Catholics ... (Read more)
Installation of the new Archbishop of Glasgow - 25/02/2022 13:50:53
Installation of new Archbishop of Glasgow The new Archbishop of Glasgow will be installed at a Mass on Saturday February 26 at 12 noon in St Andrew’s Cathedral, Clyde Street, Glasgow. ... (Read more)
Updated Notices - 24/02/2022 12:06:57
Brecbannoch Pilgrimage : The inaugural Brecbannoch Pilgrimage will take place 11-13 June 2022. The Brecbannoch is a 50-mile pilgrimage undertaken on foot from Oban to Iona, with the special purpose ... (Read more)
Covid update 23.02.22 - 24/02/2022 11:49:31
The First Minister announced the Scottish Government’s plans for moving forwards “living with” covid rather than trying to eliminate it. The following changes will, or may, apply to our parishes: ... (Read more)
Scotland Census 2022 - 22/02/2022 08:19:13
Scotland’s Census 2022 Later this month every household in the country will be contacted about Scotland’s Census. This is the once-a-decade count of the population of Scotland, collecting ... (Read more)
Ashes, Holy Water & Sign Of Peace - 20/02/2022 07:24:15
Dear All, Ashes on Ash Wednesday The Bishops’ Conference recommend that ashes on Ash Wednesday are distributed by sprinkling them on the heads of the recipients as is common in other ... (Read more)
Holy Water - 12/02/2022 06:43:48
Holy Water: Bishop Hugh Gilbert, President of the Bishops’ Conference, has directed that Holy Water may now be used by those who wish to bless themselves as they enter and leave the church. ... (Read more)
Catholic Parliamentary Office Newsletter - 12/02/2022 06:40:24
Ca tholic Parliamentary Office E-Newsletter February 2022 ... (Read more)
Latest Information - 11/02/2022 09:01:10
40 Days for Life Lenten Prayer Vigil : Ash Wednesday 2 nd March ‘22 until Palm Sunday 10 th April ’22. What are you going to do for Lent? Can you commit to taking part in our seventh annual peaceful ... (Read more)
New Archbishop for Glasgow - 04/02/2022 11:48:23
It was announced today at 12 noon (Rome time) 11 am GMT that the Holy Father has appointed Bishop William Nolan, Bishop of Galloway to succeed the late Archbishop Philip Tartaglia as Archbishop of Glasgow. ... (Read more)
Current Covid Update - 03/02/2022 14:07:11
Distance Aware The Scottish Government have asked us to pass on the attached file about the new Distance Aware scheme. This is a scheme that you may have seen advertised whereby those who feel ... (Read more)
recruitment campaign for Directors of church safeguarding agency. - 03/02/2022 14:04:20
Former Judge Lady Rita Rae has launched a recruitment drive to select Board Directors for a new agency that will function independently of the Catholic Church to oversee its safeguarding practice across ... (Read more)
Curial Offices - 03/02/2022 14:02:38
The Scottish Government recently reviewed its advice with regard to working from home. From today, the Government proposes a gradual return to office working using a hybrid model. The Curial Offices ... (Read more)
Parish Catechesis for Pupils Preparing for the Sacraments - 03/02/2022 14:00:47
Please find below the links to our Confirmation, First Eucharist and First Reconciliation materials for parishes and parents. These resources were produced during the first lockdown to cover some of ... (Read more)
Further Omicron update - 29/01/2022 11:43:15
Dear All, As you will be aware the Government has lifted all the additional Omicron measures. Churches can now return to the standard Covid measures, and things should therefore be easier. ... (Read more)
Omicron update - 21/01/2022 07:48:44
Dear All, As you will be aware the First Minister gave her regular update and announced some changes to the Covid restrictions in the light of the current improvements in case figures. ... (Read more)
Safeguarding Matters Jan 2022 - 21/01/2022 07:44:14
To: National Safeguarding Webinar registrants Dear All This message has been sent to all who were registered for the National Safeguarding Webinar which took ... (Read more)
Covid update - 30/12/2021 06:38:46
Dear All, As you might have seen, the First Minister has announced that there will be no changes to the current restrictions and that she expects them to stay in force for at least the next ... (Read more)
Obligation to attend Mass - 24/12/2021 07:38:41
The Scottish Catholic Media Office has issued the following statement: "At the beginning of Advent the Bishops of Scotland looked forward to welcoming the faithful back to Holy Mass and ... (Read more)
Latest Variant Update - 22/12/2021 11:32:00
Dear All, As you will know the First Minister announced further restrictions and advice. There are no changes on Christmas Day – they all apply to after Christmas. ... (Read more)
AGAP - 17/12/2021 08:21:06
... (Read more)
Omicron update - 17/12/2021 07:58:58
Dear All, The Government have now issued their updated guidance for places of worship in the light of the Omicron Variant. Worship There are no specific changes ... (Read more)
First Minister update 14.12.21 - 15/12/2021 07:48:37
Following the First Minister’s announcement in the Scottish Parliament, we have received the following from the Archdiocese: The First Minister made an announcement about restrictions ... (Read more)
Arabic Mass - 11/12/2021 11:46:29
Dear all, Glasgow's Arab Catholic community have asked me to share the following notice with you in case you have any Arab Christians in your parishes: Arab Mass for Christmas ... (Read more)
Omicron - 11/12/2021 11:41:06
Dear All, The recent announcements by the UK and Scottish Governments highlight their growing concerns about Omicron. So far there have been no changes to the legal rules in Scotland, but ... (Read more)
New Safeguarding Agency - 11/12/2021 11:32:27
Catholic Church appoints former judge as Chair of new independent Safeguarding agency 8 December 2021 The Catholic Church in Scotland has appointed The Hon Lady Rita Rae QC as the ... (Read more)
Pro-Life Mass - 11/12/2021 11:30:14
The monthly Pro-Life Mass will take place on Wednesday, 15 th December at 7.30pm at Holy Cross, 113 Dixon Ave, G42 8ER. Adoration begins at 6.15pm and Confession will be available throughout. All ... (Read more)
Health & Wellbeing Survey - 11/12/2021 11:28:03
Catholic Bishops call on Scottish Government to withdraw Health & Wellbeing Survey 8 December 2021 Scotland’s Catholic Bishops have called on the Scottish Government to withdraw the Health ... (Read more)
Assisted Suicide Consultation - 29/11/2021 20:00:41
PUBLIC CONSULTATION ON ASSISTED SUICIDE A public consultation on a proposed Bill to legalise assisted suicide is now open. Bishop Hugh Gilbert, President of the Bishops’ ... (Read more)
Omicron Variant - 29/11/2021 14:50:26
Latest received about the new variant that has been discovered and the effects if any it will have on worshipping in Scotland. Dear All, I have had some questions about the Omicron Variant. ... (Read more)
Father Christopher Gilfedder - 29/11/2021 08:25:55
I regret to inform you of the death on 26 November of Father Christopher Gilfedder, assistant priest at Saint Helen’s, Langside until his retirement to Nazareth House in 2006. Please remember Fr Chris ... (Read more)
News from the Catholic Church - 26/11/2021 08:53:53
Subject: News from the Catholic Church Scotland’s Catholics obliged to attend weekly Mass from 2 January 2022. 25 November 2021 In a “Pastoral ... (Read more)
St Nicholas Care Fund Appeal - 25/11/2021 09:10:34
The attached notice has been received from Msgr Bradley concerning the St Nicholas Care Fund. ... (Read more)
George Square Crib - 25/11/2021 08:25:13
Please see the attached notice concerning the blessing of the Crib in George Square. ... (Read more)
Covid latest 24/11/2021 - 24/11/2021 16:18:55
A message has been reveived from the Diocesan Coordinator and is shown below:- Subject: Covid Update Dear all, As you may have seen on the news, ... (Read more)
Christmas and the resumption of mass obligation - 22/11/2021 17:55:40
Please access the link below for the latest information concerning Christmas and the resumption of mass obligation. ... (Read more)
Latest Covid Updates re First Minister's Statement - 18/11/2021 16:55:57
Vaccine Passports:- This week the First Minister updated the Scottish Parliament on the current situation. She confirmed the importance of regular testing and ventilation, as we have continued ... (Read more)
New Updates - 17/11/2021 15:00:28
96th Anniversary of the Death of Ven. Margaret Sinclair - Memorial Mass to pray for her Beatification & Canonisation, St. Brendan's Church, 187 Kelso St., Yoker, Glasgow G13 4BH at 7pm. ... (Read more)
40 Hours Adoration Schedule 2021-2022 - 12/11/2021 15:58:27
Attached is the schedule for 40 Hours Adoration for the coming year (2021-2022). Obviously, with continuing uncertainty caused by the pandemic this may change, however it is in everyone's interest to ... (Read more)
Mass for Deceased Bishops and Clergy - 11/11/2021 22:26:16
The Diocesan Administrator, Mgr. Hugh Bradley will celebrate Mass for all our Deceased Bishops and Clergy on Friday 26 th November at the 1pm Mass in St Andrew’s Cathedral. All welcome. ... (Read more)
World Youth Day - 11/11/2021 07:49:29
The attached links show the latest information concerning World Youth Day 2021. Please click on them to view the updated information. ... (Read more)
Latest Covid update from Diocesan Coordinator - 10/11/2021 12:54:53
Dear All, Its been a while since I’ve been in touch, and that’s been a good thing since it means that there have not been any changes that we’ve had to adopt. The Government have not amended the ... (Read more)
Catholic Parliamentary Office November Newsletter - 09/11/2021 15:42:39
Ca tholic Parliamentary Office ... (Read more)
Youth Worker Vacancy - 09/11/2021 15:33:44
Please find attached a job description for the post of youth worker at St Mary’s Cathedral, Aberdeen. Applicants should send their CV, along with a covering letter/email, to secretary@cathedral-abdn. ... (Read more)
Safeguarding Matters Nov 2021 - 29/10/2021 20:26:00
The Bishops Conference have asked that the Safeguarding matters November Issue be publicised. Please access it through the following link:- ... (Read more)
Job Vacancy - 28/10/2021 14:13:10
St Aloysius’ Church , Garnethill, Glasgow, is seeking to appoint a part-time (20 hours per week) caretaker for the church and Ogilvie Centre. Duties will include responsibility for the day-to-day ... (Read more)
Catholic Education Week - 28/10/2021 14:05:40
CATHOLIC EDUCATION WEEK Education Sunday – advance notice Next Sunday is Education Sunday, marking the start of a week when we celebrate the importance of educating children and young ... (Read more)
Cop 26 - 28/10/2021 14:01:55
[We are] asking people to join SCIAF and other faith and belief groups as part of the Global Day during COP26 on Saturday 6 th November. There will be a March in Glasgow starting at Kelvingrove Park ... (Read more)
St Peter's Requiem Cemetry Mass - 22/10/2021 07:15:58
Please take note of the following information receeived concerning the mass that is being held on 31 October 2021. ... (Read more)
Independent Safeguarding Audit Of The Archdiocese Of Glasgow - 20/10/2021 19:48:01
Subject: RE: Independent Safeguarding Audit of the Archdiocese of Glasgow Following on From Mgr Bradley/Mgr Murray’s email (below) about the Independent Audit of the Archdiocese ... (Read more)
Preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmaation - 20/10/2021 19:44:41
Dear Father, I know that many of you are in the process of preparing pupils for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation. I thought it may be helpful to share with you again the ... (Read more)
St Nicholas Care Fund Advent Appeal - 20/10/2021 19:40:45
Please access the information about the outcome of the St Nicholas Care Fund appeal using the link shown. ... (Read more)
St Mungo Singers - 20/10/2021 19:30:09
? Fathers, brothers, sisters, ccolleagues and friends, The St Mungo Singers is celebrating 50 years of service to the Archdiocese and - with some help - a short history is shown ... (Read more)
Mgr Peter Smith - 12/10/2021 19:49:41
It is with regret that Mgr Peter Smith died at the Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice on 10 October. Please remember Mgr Peter and his family in your prayers. Funeral details are available on the link ... (Read more)
Hungry Cat - 03/10/2021 06:59:10 ... (Read more)
Safeguarding Zoom timetable - 03/09/2021 08:42:37
Dear All, Please find below some more Part 1 zoom training dates. Should anyone wish to book on please ask them to email us with their name / Parish / voluntary role ... (Read more)
SPRED - 03/09/2021 08:39:52
Bearing in mind the Chancellor’s recent email about the possible means by which second collections can once again be taken up, please find attached a message from SPRED about their forthcoming collection, ... (Read more)
Second Collection - 03/09/2021 08:34:51
As you know, for the past 18 months most second collections have been suspended and we have been encouraging people to make any donations online. As circumstances are slowly changing, Mgr. Bradley ... (Read more)
Confirmation - 02/09/2021 10:05:47
The message below has been received from Mgr. Bradley regarding the celebration of Confirmation. I hope that the first weeks back in school have been positive ones. I realise how many ... (Read more)
Scottish Government accused of ‘riding roughshod over democracy’ - 02/09/2021 10:01:07
Damaging Democracy Anthony Horan Director, Catholic Parliamentary Office Just last month the Scottish government broke with convention and deliberately set out to diminish ... (Read more)
Covid update 31.08.21 and links - 31/08/2021 15:15:33
Dear All, I had previously said that the Government had not yet updated their guidance. They have now done so and you can see it at ... (Read more)
Catholic Parliamentary Office Newsletter - 31/08/2021 15:13:58
Ca tholic Parliamentary Office ... (Read more)
Safegurding update - 29/08/2021 07:10:20 ... (Read more)
Covid update 20 August 2021 - 23/08/2021 12:04:08
Dear All, The Bishops’ Conference have recently updated their guidance in the light of the move beyond Level 0 and reviewing the developing scientific situation. Unfortunately the Government ... (Read more)
St Vincent De Paul job vacancy - 23/08/2021 12:01:19
Please see the attched links to the vacancy and contact if you are interested. http://www. ... (Read more)
Covid update 9 August 2021 - 10/08/2021 15:15:26
There are some further updates: Children & Face Coverings: those under 12 are now no longer obliged to wear face coverings in church (or anywhere else). Funerals & ... (Read more)
The Scottish Catholic Magazine - 10/08/2021 15:13:21 ... (Read more)
WAFS Newsletter - 10/08/2021 15:08:43 ... (Read more)
Father Gus Hurley - 10/08/2021 15:04:33
Details of the death notice and arrangements can be found by clicking on the link shown, ... (Read more)
Candles - 10/08/2021 14:51:24
Dear All With reference to the St Killians Candle Burning System used by a number of our policyholders, please be advised that we have been notified of two claims that occurred in ... (Read more)
Latest Covid Update - 04/08/2021 11:21:49
Dear All As you will have seen, the First Minister announced yesterday that social distancing indoors will end from Monday 9 th August. This means that after this date there will be no obligation ... (Read more)
New Interactive Virtual Museum - 31/07/2021 09:59:12
Blairs Museum, Scotland’s National Catholic Museum has launched a brand-new website featuring an interactive virtual museum and shop, thanks to funding from the Scottish Government’s “Museum Recovery ... (Read more)
Memorial of Saints Marth, Mary and Lazarus - 25/07/2021 11:28:18
Please see the attached for information relating to the memorial for the Saints. ... (Read more)
Plenary Indulgence for grandparents and the elderly - 23/07/2021 19:18:19
In a note released on Tuesday, The Apostolic Penitentiary explains that “in order to increase the devotion of the faithful and for the salvation of souls,” grandparents, the elderly and the faithful ... (Read more)
Pro Life - 15/07/2021 08:26:51
The monthly Pro-Life Mass is on Wednesday, 21 st July at 7.30pm This is being held at Holy Cross Parish, 113 Dixon Ave, G42 8ER . Doors open at 7pm. All welcome! ... (Read more)
Latest Covid update - 14/07/2021 07:38:09
Dear all, As you may have seen the First Minister has announced that all of Scotland will move to Level 0 on Monday 19 th July. The main effects of this for churches is that ... (Read more)
Pope Francis visit To Scotland re COP26 - 12/07/2021 11:23:41
Scotland’s Bishops welcomed prospect of Pope Francis meeting. Scotland’s Catholic bishops have welcomed the prospect of a meeting with Pope Francis when he attends the COP26 Conference ... (Read more)
July Flourish - 01/07/2021 11:54:59
New Flourish The July edition of Flourish is available to take home - free! In this month's edition there is a powerful and touching letter from the Holy Father Francis to grandparents and elderly ... (Read more)
Covid Update - 01/07/2021 11:52:07
Social Distancing Depending on the data closer to the time, the Government intends to reduce social distancing indoors to 1m on 19 th July and abolish it on 9 th August. Obviously these ... (Read more)
Safeguarding Matters - 07/06/2021 07:50:07 ... (Read more)
Covid Restrictions Updates - 07/06/2021 07:46:59
Dear All, As you will have seen on the news, from just after midnight on Saturday morning (5 th June), and so applying to Masses next weekend, the following levels will ... (Read more)
Synod 2023 - 07/06/2021 07:43:54
Scottish Bishops welcome Pope’s call for Synod in 2023 1 June 2021 Scotland’s Catholic Bishops have welcomed a call from Pope Francis for a Synod on the ... (Read more)
National Diocesan Roasry Relay Rally - 28/05/2021 20:59:28
Dear Friends in Scotland , We need maximum coverage on this Diocese of Dunkeld - 12 Noon to 1pm Archdiocese of St. ... (Read more)
SPRED - 28/05/2021 20:52:53
SPRED – Special Religious Development – Zoom Open Evenings During the time our SPRED groups have been closed we have been working in other ways to keep in touch with and support our friends with ... (Read more)
Care Of Creation Office - 17/05/2021 13:43:11
Scotland’s Catholic Bishops have announced their intention to set up a “Care of Creation Office” ahead of the COP26 meeting in Glasgow later this year. Commenting on the decision, Bishop William ... (Read more)
Leve 3 and Level 2 and Singing - 14/05/2021 21:26:20
The Diocesan Coordinator Canon Paul Gargaro has supplied an update on the current restrictions in place across the Archdiocese. Dear All, Glasgow – Level 3 As ... (Read more)
Flourish - 14/05/2021 09:17:52
FLOURISH The new edition of Flourish is out this weekend. The front page focuses on the Holy Father's appeal to pray the Rosary to end the pandemic. Inside is coverage of the Rome ordination ... (Read more)
Pro Life Mass and Rosary Stronghold Mission - 13/05/2021 07:36:57
The monthly Pro-Life Mass is on Wednesday, 19 th May at 7.30pm at Holy Cross, 113 Dixon Ave, G42 8ER. Doors open at 7pm. All welcome, subject to current guidelines. The celebrant will be Fr Charles ... (Read more)
Latest Covid Update - 11/05/2021 22:51:32
Canon Paul Gargaro, the Diocesan Coordinator, has sent a message concerning the implications of the changes to the restrictions in place for Coronavirus as announced by the First Minister. ... (Read more)
Parish Catechesis for Pupils Preparing for the Sacraments - 05/05/2021 21:37:38
Please find below the links to the Confirmation and First Eucharist materials for parents. These resources cover some of the content that the children would normally receive at parish catechesis sessions. ... (Read more)
National Safeguarding Webinar - 05/05/2021 21:29:24
Please see the attached Save the Date , which the Bishops’ Conference have asked that we publish. Further information will be issued by them at a later date ... (Read more)
Face coverings, Testing and Hospital visits - 27/04/2021 18:58:44
Dear all, Face Coverings We have had a few questions about face coverings and whether they have to be worn by the children at First Confession, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation. ... (Read more)
Further information about lockdown - 25/04/2021 06:52:41
More information has been received concerning the change from Level 4 to Level 3 and the consequences this will have on the parishes. Dear All, Capacity – Public Worship ... (Read more)
Hospitality after Mass - 20/04/2021 07:52:18
The following has been received from the Diocesan Coordinator. Dear All, We’ve had a few questions about restarting teas after Mass. From 26 th April it will be permissible ... (Read more)
Ramadan - 16/04/2021 08:14:57 ... (Read more)
Removal Of Fixed Maximum Attendance - 15/04/2021 12:29:53
Dear All, Removal of Fixed Maximum Attendance The Government have said that from 26 th April the “50” limit on capacity in churches will be removed. After that date churches ... (Read more)
Pro Life Mass - 15/04/2021 08:37:54
The monthly Pro-Life Mass is back! This month it falls on Wednesday, 21 st April and continues at Holy Cross, 113 Dixon Ave, G42 8ER at 7.30pm . Doors open at 7pm. All welcome, ... (Read more)
Scottish Parliament Elections - 07/04/2021 15:37:05
Dear all Please find attached the bishops’ pastoral letter for the forthcoming Scottish Parliament Election, to be held on 6 th May. I would be grateful if this could be included ... (Read more)
Baptisms - 03/04/2021 13:27:44
Dear all, I’ve had a few queries about baptisms recently so I thought I’d better send out a general email to clarify that Baptisms can take place, subject to the capacity limit of 50 and ... (Read more)
The Requiem Mass for John Graham - 20/03/2021 08:00:24
The requiem mass for the repose of the soul of John Graham was broadcast by Sancta Familia yesterday 19 March 2021. For those not able to access the broadcast a recorded version is available and can ... (Read more)
Easter Worship Update - 19/03/2021 11:35:43
The Diocesan Co-ordinator Canon Paul Gagaro has been in touch concerning the processes for Easter worship. There are a few links which can be accessed, so please feel free to browse them at your leisure. ... (Read more)
Flourish Update - 11/03/2021 21:45:33
The new Lent edition of Flourish is out now. This edition covers the possibility of Pope Francis making a flying visit to Glasgow to address world leaders on climate change issues at the end of the year. ... (Read more)
Update from the Diocesan Co-ordinator - 09/03/2021 19:39:52
Dear All, As I’m sure you’ve already heard, the First Minister today announced that places of worship will be able to reopen for public worship from Friday 26 th March (the Friday before ... (Read more)
Bishop Toals SCIAF request - 04/03/2021 16:00:07
Dear Father, I hope this finds you all well as we journey through Lent in our present restricted circumstances. It will be much appreciated if you can make my letter on this year’s SCIAF Lenten ... (Read more)
Covid celebration of Sacrements - 03/03/2021 15:34:16
Correspondence has been received from Mgr Bradley, the Diocesan Administrator. I hope you are all well. Please find attached a communication from the Archdiocese to you the Parish Priest, ... (Read more)
Update On Easter - 01/03/2021 13:03:15
Return To Worship In Time for Easter 1 March 2021 Responding to last week’s statement on the reopening of Places of Worship by the First Minister, the Catholic Bishops of Scotland have ... (Read more)
Covid update 23.02.21 - 23/02/2021 22:10:48
A message has been received from the Vice Chancellor of the Archdiocese Of Glasgow about the First Ministers announcements today concerning, in the coming weeks and months, the relaxation of some of ... (Read more)
Approval to teach in Catholic Schools - 19/02/2021 13:45:05
The Scottish Catholic Education Service has sent information relating to approval to teach in Catholic Schools within the confines of Covid and updated information for clergy in relation to references. ... (Read more)
Pope's Lenten Message 2021 - 16/02/2021 08:48:06
Pope Francis has sent a Lenten message to the Catholic community which can be seen by clicking on the link provided.'sLentenMessage2021. ... (Read more)
Ash Wednesday service for parishioners at home - 08/02/2021 21:34:55
In view of the current restrictions it will not be possible to distribute ashes in the normal way. The link shown gives information in relation to the Ash Wednesday service for those parishioners wishing ... (Read more)
Day Of Prayer for those who have suffered abuse - 08/02/2021 21:22:28
Using the link provided you will be able to access information relating to Prayers to be offered at home for those who have suffered abuse on Friday 19 February 2021. Please feel free to look at the ... (Read more)
Safeguarding Statement 2021 - 05/02/2021 21:59:45
The Bishops’ Conference has stated that ‘the Catholic Church in Scotland is concerned with the lives, safety, wholeness and well-being of each individual person within God’s purpose for ... (Read more)
Clerical Changes - 04/02/2021 12:58:54
A few clerical changes took place over the last month which had been agreed by Archbishop Philip before his death. Mgr Paul Conroy retires due to ill health from the office as Parish Priest of Sacred ... (Read more)
Celebration Of Sacraments - 04/02/2021 12:55:25
A message has been received from the Diocesan Administrator. ... (Read more)
Bishop Emeritus Vincent Logan - 15/01/2021 09:15:33
14 January 2021 Scotland’s Bishops mourn the death of Bishop Emeritus Vincent Logan Following the death today (14 January 2021) of Bishop Emeritus Vincent Logan, the President ... (Read more)
Updated Guidance for Places Of Worship, Weddings And Funerals - 09/01/2021 14:25:46
Updated information has been received concerning Places of Worship, Weddings, Funerals and the housekeeping concerning water pipes and taps. Some of the information shown have extra links to specific ... (Read more)
Update for care and visiting during Covid - 07/01/2021 21:27:26 ... (Read more)
New Updates on Restrictions - 05/01/2021 15:30:45
Updates have been received concerning the Scottish Governments decision to close all Places of Worship from 0.01 am on Friday 8th January 2021 for the duration of that month. Please note that this decision ... (Read more)
Update on restrictions - 05/01/2021 08:55:06 ... (Read more)
Ad Clerum Sacred Heart Bridgeton - 27/12/2020 09:57:06 ... (Read more)
Forthcoming Second Collections - 27/12/2020 09:49:40
Here is a list of Second Collections that are due to take place over the next few weeks: Christmas Quarterly: Ecclesiastical Students 3 January: ... (Read more)
Appeal for Society of St Vincent de Paul - 14/12/2020 17:54:26
A recent request has been received from the Society of St Vincent de Paul. The contents can be viewed by accessing the link. Please give serious consideration to the contents of the letter received. ... (Read more)
Archbisops Ad Clerum December 2020 - 09/12/2020 14:29:25 ... (Read more)
Little Sisters of The Poor Request - 09/12/2020 14:25:26
Father Jim has received a request fronm the Little Sisters of the Poor in Robroyston. The contents can be seen be clicking on the link:- ... (Read more)
Catholic Bishops publish letter of hope - 08/12/2020 15:48:28
Scotland’s Catholic Bishops publish letter of hope In a National Pastoral Letter to Scotland’s Catholic community, the Catholic Bishops of Scotland have highlighted “reasons for hope, ... (Read more)
Updates 2.12.20 & 3.12.20 - 03/12/2020 19:29:34
The St Nicholas Care Fund The St Nicholas Care Fund’s preparation for Caring Sunday has been slightly different this year to reflect the current Scottish Government restrictions. In place ... (Read more)
Management of Offenders Scotland Act 2019. - 28/11/2020 19:14:07
Important information concerning changes to procedures has been received. The content can be viewed by accessing the link. ... (Read more)
Tier 4 Update - 21/11/2020 08:55:53
A further update has been received from the Vice Chancellor and can be accessed using the link:- ... (Read more)
Mary's Meals - 11/11/2020 20:32:49
At Mary’s Meals we are inspired by the courageous ‘yes’ of Mary. Her total Trust in God in the face of numerous challenges gave the World the most precious gift of all – Jesus. Throughout ... (Read more)
Second Collections Update - 11/11/2020 15:13:09
The listed details concern links to a page for second collections and information regarding the Safeguardng Audit. There is also a link concerning the SCIAF Remembrance Mass. http://www.strobertbellarmine. ... (Read more)
Father Jeremiah Carroll - 09/11/2020 19:51:22
Please see information received regarding the recent passing of Father Jeremiah Carroll ... (Read more)
2nd Collections - 03/11/2020 13:16:28
An update on the issue of 2nd collections has been received from the Vicar General. ... (Read more)
Funerals and Lockdown - 02/11/2020 08:19:37
Updated information has been received which might clarify the situation concerning the lockdown in England as announced by the Prime Minister, and how it will or will not affect us here in Scotland. ... (Read more)
Updated information on Tiered Restrictions - 29/10/2020 21:44:05
In view of the details released today concerning changes in tired restrictions, an updated list has been supplied showing specific links should anyone wish to search for further information. Very little ... (Read more)
Catholic Education Week 2020 - 29/10/2020 16:14:21
Please see the enclosed information leaflet concerning Catholic Education Week for November 2020. ... (Read more)
Schoenstatt Scotland Nov 2020 - 28/10/2020 13:08:32 ... (Read more)
Kinnoull Retreats - 28/10/2020 13:06:10 ... (Read more)
St Nicholas Care Fund - 28/10/2020 13:04:31 ... (Read more)
Ad Clerum 2020 - 28/10/2020 08:42:26
An update has been received rom the Archbishop and can be viewed by clicking on the appropriate link. ... (Read more)
Tiered restrictions - 23/10/2020 19:51:43
Dear All, The Government today announced the new Tiered approach that will take effect from next week. They have not yet announced which areas will be in which tiers, so there is no change at present ... (Read more)
November Month Of Remembrance - 23/10/2020 19:46:52
NOVEMBER - MONTH OF REMEMBRANCE November is the month when, by tradition, we pray for the eternal rest of our deceased relatives and friends. This year, in all our churches, we remember especially ... (Read more)
Update on weddings - 19/10/2020 22:08:17
As confirmed by the Frist Minister, changes have been made to the procdeures for wedddings. Click on the link:- ... (Read more)
In God's Image - 16/10/2020 07:32:49
A new message has been received from Mgr Paul Murray Chancellor of the Archdiocese concerning updates for the Instructions on Safeguarding. You can access the full details using the link ... (Read more)
Update 14.10.20 - 14/10/2020 17:05:00
The latest update has been received from the Vice Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Glasgow, Canon Paul Gargaro and can be accessed using the link shown. ... (Read more)
General Update 28.09.20 - 29/09/2020 08:10:42
A New General Update has been received, included are details about current general use and a reminder to remain vigilant, halls, visiting the sick, doors and windows and stalls. You can read the ... (Read more)
CDW The Eucharist and The Pandemic - 21/09/2020 19:35:44
The document can be accessed by clicking on the link shown. ... (Read more)
Update 16.09.20 - 19/09/2020 22:21:21
We have received instructions concerning Guidelines for School Chaplains re School COVID Protocols. The link will allow you to read the document if you are interested in the details that have ... (Read more)
Update 10.09.20 - 11/09/2020 08:23:45
A new update has been received after the First Minister's announcement yesterday. First Minister’s Announcement The First Minister’s announcement today about tightening some ... (Read more)
Update 04.09.20 - 05/09/2020 07:18:29
A further update is available concerning halls, visiting homes, parish housekeepers and staff. Halls After getting further advice from the Bishops’ Conference and further Guidance ... (Read more)
Update 01.09.20 - 02/09/2020 15:26:16
Update in line with the Scottish Government's latest introdution of restrictions. As you will have seen the Scottish Government has imposed Local Restrictions on Glasgow City Council, ... (Read more)
Update 26.08.20 - 26/08/2020 08:34:45
Face Coverings Everyone needs to wear a mask in church (apart from the priest, reader, etc. and apart from those who are exempt). This includes at celebrations such as baptisms, weddings, and ... (Read more)
Update 12.08.20 - 13/08/2020 06:51:08
A new message has been received from the Archbishop concerning the return to schools. ... (Read more)
Update 07.08.20 - 07/08/2020 20:48:16
A further update has been received which confirms the changes that the Scottish Government has now put in place concerning restrictions. There is also a response to specific questions raised by different ... (Read more)
Update 03.08.20 - 03/08/2020 21:31:58
The following information has been received from the Diocesan Coordinator relating to the current information about restrictions. Continuing with the Restrictions As you ... (Read more)
Job Vacancies - 31/07/2020 21:14:09
Little Sisters of the Poor Robroyston, Glasgow Dear Reverend Father, I hope this email finds you well and that you are getting back to some normality. It is a great blessing ... (Read more)
Update 21.07.20 - 21/07/2020 14:42:01 ... (Read more)
Update for Eventbrite - 21/07/2020 14:40:45 ... (Read more)
Lates news 16.07.20 - 16/07/2020 15:57:55
Cannon Paul Gargaro the Diocesan Coordinator has supplied further information, which people may find useful. Update to Mass Guidance In response to a couple of enquiries ... (Read more)
Latest Updates 14 July 2020 - 14/07/2020 19:09:29
The latest updates are available concerning different aspects of recommencement of worship. ... (Read more)
Pastoral Ministry Working Group Survey - 10/07/2020 21:02:43
Survey The Bishops Conference pastoral ministry working group has circulated the attached letter about a survey they are conducting (this is more a matter for parish priests and pastoral ... (Read more)
Planning for Restarting Mass - 10/07/2020 20:59:54
Restarting Public Mass As you will know public worship can restart from Wednesday 15 th July. To help get ready for it some Guidance has been attached concerning this. Unfortunately ... (Read more)
Latest Updates 03.07.20 - 04/07/2020 08:16:34
Information relating to possible mass bookings and the use of church halls has been received. http://www. ... (Read more)
Latest Update 22.06.20 - 23/06/2020 14:22:15
A new message has been received from Canon Paul Gargaro the Diocesan Coordinator, which might answer some questions that have been raised by parishoners. Dear Parish Priests & Parish ... (Read more)
Mary's Meals - 19/06/2020 20:42:46
A new message has been received from the executive director of Mary's Meals in the UK. "I am deeply moved by the way church leaders across the UK have embraced technology to reach out to ... (Read more)
Latest proposals for reopening - 17/06/2020 15:05:47 ... (Read more)
Bishops' Pastoral Letter and Guidance on preparing to reopen Churches - 06/06/2020 09:55:21 ... (Read more)
Update on re-opening of parishes - 03/06/2020 22:07:29 ... (Read more)
Response To Exit Strategy Proposals - 29/05/2020 21:45:47
Please see the attached response to the suggestions put forward for an exit strategy. http://www. ... (Read more)
Considerations for Exit Strategy - 22/05/2020 17:52:38
The following information has been released to give an insight into a possible exit strategy, and the return to worshipping when the Covid 19 pandemic restrictions are lifted . They have not been implemented ... (Read more)
Day Of Prayer for Humanity - 07/05/2020 18:57:24
Please use the links under read more to access the information. ... (Read more)
Mass Invitation - 02/05/2020 09:00:04 ... (Read more)
Flourish - 02/05/2020 08:51:47
The May edition of the Archdiocesan newspaper FLOURISH is now out. The new edition has features on how parishes are using the internet to reach out to parishioners. There’s a special focus on vocations ... (Read more)
Bereavement - 30/04/2020 14:13:15
Father Dominic Doogan, retired parish priest of Saint Mahews Cardross died peacefully today 30 April 2020, at Nazareth House. May he rest in peace. ... (Read more)
Covid 19 reporting abuse - 23/04/2020 09:42:08
COVID-19 : Reporting abuse at this time If you are concerned about the welfare of a child or adult and believe them to be at immediate risk, do not delay in contacting the Police or Social ... (Read more)
An update from the Archbishop - 14/04/2020 16:49:26
A link has been attached to access the letter received from the Archbishop. ... (Read more)
Paschal Triduum - 08/04/2020 11:47:17
A resource has been produced by the National Liturgy Commission to help people to pray the Liturgy of the Hours at home during the Triduum. To access this please click on the link below:- ... (Read more)
Covid 19 FAQ's - 03/04/2020 09:22:30's.docx This link can be accessed by opening the item fully. A list of questions and answers can then be found. Please therfore click on ... (Read more)
Message from the Holy Father - 25/03/2020 16:31:33
The Holy Father, Francis will observe a period of prayer and Eucharistic Adoration on Friday 27 th March at 5.00 pm (UK time). During this time of prayer the Holy Father will impart an extraordinary ... (Read more)
Message from the Archbishop - 24/03/2020 13:26:29
The following links can be accessed to read the most recent information received from the Archbishop http://www. ... (Read more)
When mass cannot be attended publicly - 20/03/2020 16:01:27
A resource has been prepared by the National Liturgy Commission for people to use at home while they are unable to attend public Mass. a link to this information is shown below. http://www.strobertbellarmine. ... (Read more)
Covid19 - 18/03/2020 12:21:41
Covid19 Catholic bishops announce decision to suspend Mass in public Wednesday 18th March 2020 In an unprecedented move, Scotland’s Catholic bishops have announced that with ... (Read more)
Windows Renovation - 18/02/2020 12:32:48
The beginning of the renovation to the church is finally underway. After a lengthy number of months raising the necessary funds, it has now officially begun. The initial aim is to have all of the damaged ... (Read more)
Newsletter December 2019 - 03/01/2020 15:50:54
RENOVATION FUND TOTAL TO DATE: £46,000. A number of events have occurred during the latter part of 2019 and are listed below. ... (Read more)
Renovation Dance 15 November 2019 - 16/11/2019 08:45:03
Our thanks go to all who made this such an enjoyable evening, in particular the organisers who should be applauded for their efforts. We will find out at a later date how much was raised towards the ... (Read more)
An Evening of Choral Music - 11/10/2019 10:45:02
Thursday 24th October 2019 7.30 pm In St Robert's Church, 310 Peat Rd, Glasgow G53 6SA AN EVENING OF CHORAL MUSIC WITH ST ANDREW’S ... (Read more)
St Thérèse Of Lisieux - 13/09/2019 12:20:50
The Relics of St Thérèse of Lisieux will visit the Archdiocese of Glasgow Monday 16 th September 5.00 pm Welcome Ceremony Parish of Saint Teresa ... (Read more)
Cheese Wine & Music - 30/08/2019 11:11:38
Cheese, Wine & Music: We are planning to have a monthly event in the Parish House so that a regular source of income can be raised for our Church Renovation Fund. The first of these events ... (Read more)
Justice and Peace Information - 30/08/2019 11:03:10
Justice and Peace: Justice and Peace Scotland invites you to a day of reflection on Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si. This will take place on Saturday 21 st September 2019, from ... (Read more)
Safeguarding Conversation - 01/08/2019 17:07:24
The Independent Review Group (IRG), established by the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland, wants to meet within each Diocese to hear how people have been affected by abuse/safeguarding issues and ... (Read more)
Ceilidh Dance - 16/06/2019 15:38:27
Thank you to everyone who came along to the Ceilidh Dance on 8th June 2019. Your participation and generosity helped in raising £2,110.90 for the Renovation Fund. ... (Read more)
Planned Events 2019 - 25/04/2019 11:02:42
May/June 2019 - Purchase a pot of paint, this is now available and is running between the months of May and June, details can be found in the Pot Of Paint option on the menu list. Please ... (Read more)
Red Box at Back of Church - 10/02/2018 00:32:26
The Red Box at the back of the Church will be used for any donations or loose change which will help with the expenses of the Parish. Thank you for you continued generosity! ... (Read more)
Foodbank - 04/02/2018 19:17:57
The Food for the Food bank was collected this week and it was overwhelming in the amount donated. Thanks for your generosity. Please remember you can leave any non perishable food at the back of the ... (Read more)
Installation of Parish Priest - 24/11/2017 01:00:29
On the 26 th November Archbishop Tartaglia will join us for the 10am Mass here in St Robert’s and the 11.30am Mass in St Bernard’s. During the Masses he will install me as Parish Priest of the ... (Read more)
Shining the Light of Faith - 23/01/2014 14:14:36
'Lumen Fidei' Prayer Mother, help our Faith! Open our ears to hear God's word and to recognise his voice and call. Awaken in us a desire to follow in his footsteps, to go forth ... (Read more)
Caritas Award - 19/09/2013 10:09:27
The Caritas Award is an exciting and new way to record and share learning about, and living, your faith Any pupil in their final year of school can 'sign up' to participate in the CARITAS AWARD. ... (Read more)
How to go to Confession - 19/09/2013 09:45:17
A new tab has been created under the label Sacraments which gives a full explanation for all age groups on How to go to Confession. Well worth a wee look ... (Read more)
Feast of St Robert Bellarmine - 16/09/2013 14:22:28
Tuesday the 17th September is the feast day of our patron St Robert Bellarmine He was born at Montepulciano in Tuscany on October 4, 1542, the feast of the Poverello of Assisi toward whom he ... (Read more)