Any new additions of images can be found in the Photo Gallery menu.

All new updates can be found under
the Latest News Option pick list
on the left hand side of this page
St Roberts New Year Super Raffle
Tickets will be available from 19th January priced £5.00.

The Piety Stall
New additions to the stall have been received.
Please feel free to visit and browse.

The Parish bulletin is available and can be picked up at the rear of the church as you leave. If you wish you can view it on-line under the bulletin option on the list at the left hand side of this page, previous bulletins can be found in the archive section on the bulletin pick list.
This weeks Parish Bulletin is available for viewing
Come Back To Mass
The link shown takes you to a short video
Anyone wishing to contribute to the Parish Funds
who have not already set up a standing order or direct debit
can contact the Chapel House for the procedure
or post any donations through their

The Facebook page was set up and run by St Roberts, for St Roberts,
Feel free to visit it and contribute. The link below will take you to it.