St Robert Bellarmine Church

St Robert Bellarmine Church
How to go to Confession
You are here: Reconciliation > How to go to Confession

Before you go in ...

It is important to be prepared by asking God to help you.  Here's a prayer you can say:


O God, I love you. I wish to love you more everyday.  Help me to see how you have sinned.  Help me to be sorry for my sins.  Help me to make up my mind to be better in the future


Before you go in, Ask yourself "What have I done that I know was wrong?"

Have I forgotten to say my prayers?

Did I miss Sunday Mass and it was my fault?

Have I been bad at home?

Have I been bad at school?

Have I hurt anyone?

Have I spoken badly about anyone?

Have I been impure?

Have I told lies?

Have I stolen anything?

Have I been jealous?


Here's one last prayer before you go in:

Dear Jesus, I am sorry for my sins and I am ashamed of them because they have offended you. Help me to make a good confession. Help me to know how much you love me.   Help me to rejoice because you forgive me.


How to go to Confession

Bless me Father for I have sinned.   I last went to confession ...

say what your sins are

I am very sorry for these sins and for any sins that I cannot now remember.

Listen to the priest

Act of Sorrow

O my God, because you are so good, I am very sorry that I have sinned against you and by the help of your grace I will not sin again. Amen.


Make the sin of the cross as the priest says:

I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


This is where Jesus Forgives you for all your sins.


Before you leave ...

Say your penance -  If the priest asked you to say some prayers for your penance, say these now.

Be determined to change!  Make up your mind to try and love God with all your heart and soul and mind and to try and love your neighbour as yourself.

Don't forget to say "Thank you."  O God I thank you for forgiving my sins. I will try now to love you with all my heart and soul and mind and i will try to love others too.  Help me by your grace.


Don't leave it too long before you come again to receive the sacrament.